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Electrochemistry and Electrolyzed Water

Electrochemistry is the part of science that deals with the interdependence of electric currents or voltages and chemical reactions and with the mutual conversion of chemical and electrical energy.


Electrolyzed Water technology
(EW)is based on a new, previously unknown law of anomalous changes in the reactivity and catalytic capacities of aqueous solutions subjected to electrochemical unipolar (either anodic or cathodic) treatment. EW is necessarily associated with alteration of its chemical composition, acidity and (or) alkalinity in a wide range.


  That's why the EW app makes it possible to:

  1) To exclude from the usual technological procedures the regulation of the properties of the solution with expensive   reagents.
  2) Improving the quality of processed substances;
  3) To reduce the number and duration of technological operations;
  4) To reduce their industriousness;
       to facilitate and simplify water purification processes_.

In contrast to the known electrochemical reactions, in the processes of electrochemical activation the starting substances are a dilute aqueous solution (brine) and the water of the network. Potential EW products are not concentrated chemicals, but activated solutions (
AnolyteandCatholyte): liquids of low mineralization in a metastable state, exhibiting increased chemical activity. The synthesis of electrochemically activated solutions is possible only when unipolar electrochemical exposure is combined with treatment of as many microvolumes of liquid as possible in a high-voltage electric field of an electrical double layer near the electrode surface.

The above conditions for the production of activated solutions can only be realized in special diaphragm cells (round or square) which are the basic elements of every Envirolyte or ECO unit.

Design by  Envirolyte

 The solutionsEWproduced by Envirolyte units (AnolyteandCatholyte) are channeled through channels and chambers and separated by membranes. This unique patented process allows for a more even distribution of the electrolyte (brine solution) within the chamber volumes and reduces the risk of stagnant zones forming when electrolyte flow rates are high. The construction of the diaphragm cells also allows highly efficient evacuation of electrochemical and chemical reaction products from the chambers.
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